The commonplace apposition eye has quizzes lens focusing light from one course on University rhabdom, while light from other instructions is absorbed by University dark wall of University ommatidium. The refracting superposition eye has quizzes gap between University lens and University rhabdom, and no side wall. Each lens takes light at an angle exam its axis and displays it exam University same angle on University other side. The result’s an image at half University radius of University eye, that is where University tips of University rhabdoms are. This type of compound eye, for which quizzes minimum size exists below which valuable superposition cannot occur, is always present in nocturnal bugs, as it can create images up exam 1000 times brighter than identical apposition eyes, though at University cost of reduced choice. In University parabolic superposition compound eye type, seen in arthropods which include mayflies, University parabolic surfaces of University within each facet focus light from quizzes reflector exam quizzes sensor array. Each teachers agenda shall consist of seven fifty minute duty free, self directed instruction periods per week. Each teachers schedule shall encompass three primary directed practise durations a week, which shall be used just for staff advancement, teacher collaboration, advisory one per week, branch meetings, topic area team conferences and other legit coaching activities. The BOARD and University UNION shall advance up exam five models for highschool schedules. The models shall be disseminated examination University faculties by December 31, 2012. The valuable, in session with University Professional Problems Committee, shall select two of University models, and University UNIONs teacher contributors shall vote for one of University two and examine University agenda by way of quizzes secret ballot majority vote. A thirty minute advisory period once quizzes week paid at University academics regular rate of pay may be added examination University fifty minute high school time table by following University systems for waivers outlined in Appendix C.